Our Living Faith

Our Unitarian Universalist faith is based on deeds, not creeds, so we try to live it on a daily basis. Our Sunday service messages call us to put our faith into action. Together and individually, we reach out and work together to fulfill our Mission:

• Nurture spiritual growth

• Embrace diversity

• Work for justice

• Strive for a loving world

UUA Information

To learn more about Unitarian Universalists, please click the links below:


People of many beliefs

We are people with a religious background, people with none, people who believe in a God, people who don’t, and people who let the Mystery be.

People of many backgrounds

We explore spirituality beyond boundaries; we work for more justice and more love in our own lives and in the world.

People of all ages

We come together in discussion for the joy of dialogue and the treasures found in each other’s thoughts and hearts.

“Unitarian Universalism reconnects, bringing people together with meaning and inspiration. We are a house without walls, a congregation without spiritual limits, and a movement that calls you to put more faith in yourself, your community, and your beliefs. We are a faith that honors your mind, your heart, your journey. Simply put, we are a guided path towards a better you and a better world.” (UUA)

The link below will take you to the Unitarian Universalist Association website where you can further explore the beliefs of our faith. We think for ourselves and reflect together about important questions, such as: