FISH Food Pantry

The FISH of Roseburg is a non-profit organization and food pantry that provides emergency basic needs to our friends and neighbors during their difficult times. Umpqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation prides itself to be a regular contributor to this organization. We have been for untold years. This is one of the many ways UUU strives to build a better community.

Religious Tolerance

We can support each other without expecting others to conform to our personal world view. The siddhas of India call this Unity in Diversity. ...

I’ll go a step further, and I’m hoping to carry you along with me in this: I not only gracefully accept other’s different religious views or doctrines, I EXPECT them to be different and I celebrate that.


The Umpqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation (UUUC) of Roseburg Oregon welcomes all who seek a religious home free of creeds and dogma and guided by love, reason, and conscience.

Our lives are enriched through mutual respect, deepened through the exchange of ideas, and nourished through the support of a caring congregation. Each person is important.

Unitarian Universalists gather around the values of love, freedom, and dignity--and common vision for a just world.

LGBTQ Justice


UUUC is a Congregation who welcomes, includes, and honors the lives of all people and equally affirm all people without regard for sexual orientation. This means we affirm and include people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer at every level of congregational life—in worship, in program, and in social occasions.

For 25 years we have worked hard to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are full members of our faith communities.


Immigrant Justice

Just as love knows no borders, our dedication to justice reaches across boundaries and walls. We show up on the side of love with all families, regardless of citizenship status. We organize and advocate for immigration reform, for an end to detentions and deportations, and for a world where hands are extended in peace and care across borders

Racial Justice

We view our relations with each other both in the congregation and the wider world through the lens of racial equity. With new perspective, we as a congregation will explore and grow, while working to raise awareness of our nation’s history of genocide, slavery, and inequity based on race.

Environmental Justice

All life is interconnected. From the forest to the sea to humanity itself, each living thing is a thread that is woven into a single fabric of existence. We embrace nature’s beauty and its power leaves us awestruck. We care for our environment so that it may sustain life for generations to come. We collaborate with others because we know that equitable and sustainable change is only possible with the knowledge and experience of many communities working together.